BBA Thammasat won all the prizes from L’Oreal Brandstorm 2020 (Thailand National Final). This competition marked the 17th anniversary of L’Oreal Brandstorm competition organized by L’Oreal Thailand.
The winning team will represent Thailand in the International Final in Paris, France on May, 2020. Congratulations once again to Team ‘All in this to CAGR’ and wish you all the best International Final round!!

The winner goes to
Team ALL in This toCAGR
• Patitta Tanchookiat
• Thanaporn Sukijnitiyakarn
• Sudamat Kengrungruengchai

The first runner goes to
Team The T(h)ree Hugger
• Nicharee Treesirikasem
• Kwanjira Chaengtamtham
• Tatthon Thanaboriboon

The second runner goes to
Team Tricologist
• Kakanarng Chantalat
• Cholpicha Suebsubanant
• Natchanon Plengsuree