On August 7th and 9th, 2024, the Center for International Affairs, Thammasat Business School (TBS) hosted the TBS Orientation and a One-Day Cultural Trip for our 84 incoming exchange students from around the world.
The orientation began with a heartfelt welcome speech by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chaturong Napathorn, Associate Dean for Research, Internationalization, and Accreditation. The session included an introduction to the international program, a guide on cultural Dos and Don’ts in Thailand, and a Thai Cultural Workshop featuring Fruit-Shaped Mung Beans and Flower Garland Making, ensuring that students could immerse themselves in authentic Thai culture.
Additionally, TBS organized a One-Day Cultural Trip to Ayutthaya, where students had the opportunity to wear traditional Thai attire, learn about the history of significant sites, and explore the ancient city of Ayutthaya. The activities concluded with joy and the formation of new friendships.
We sincerely hope that the exchange program at Thammasat Business School will be a memorable and enriching experience for all.
📍For more information about the Exchange program at Center for International Affairs Thammasat Business School – CIA TBS (https://www.facebook.com/ciatbs)

Date: 13 August 2024